I chose to download iTunes because I have always been a media player girl so I thought I'd give it a go.
It was very easy to download and super easy to use. I especially liked the different views it had where you could import the album artwork for all the cd's and make it look like you were flicking through your record collection.
Its also really easy to create playlists and sync them with your iPod. And it was easy to import music and burn CD's. Other things I really liked was the shuffle option and just the overall asthetics and ease of use. Its clearly a program that has been designed for ease of use rather than Media Player which is often confusing and frustrating to use, and not very pretty to look at at all. I'm converted, I love iTunes :) Check out how pretty is looks below.
I also had a look at another freeware site Jason mentioned, KeyPass. I downloaded it & checked it out. At first it was a little hard to find the right one to download as I was using a Mac, but once I found the right one, it only took a minute or so to download. It was also easy to use, to add new passwords in and to copy and paste the passwords once into the sites when you entered them. I can see how this would be a very useful program for someone who has alot of different passwords for email, work, banking etc. Although for me, I use Firefox and it automatically remembers all my passwords for me so I don't really need to use KeyPass at the moment.

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