ECU - Extreme Close Up
This shot involv
BCU - Big Close Up

This shot shows more of the face than an extreme close up but still does not show the entire face. This shot is mainly used for impact or to show detail.
CU - Close Up
Close ups focus o
MCU - Medium Close Up
This shot frames a person from about chest level to above their head. This is sometimes referred to as a talking head shot as this type of shot is often used when shooting a single person talking, eg a newsreader.
MS - Medium Shot
Medium shots as a ge
MLS - Medium Long Shot
This shot usually frames someone from their head to about their knees. This allows for more of the background to be shown and allows the character more room to move. This shot is good for introducing a character as you can show nearly the whole character in the shot, while still being close enough to show necessary detail.
LS or Long Shot
In long shots, the whole s
VLS or Very Long Shot
Here's an image I found that sums it all up. Click here to go to the website where I found it.
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